


























然後問你自己; 「為什麼我的手指較短?指甲較長?」







  • Why was I born to be in this shape?
  • What am I taking from the environment to confirm my existence?
  • Trust in the existence is the key to existence
  • Practice!! from the finger, find the path how you interact with the emotion
I am the Soul.
And through the Soul, I create the emotion which in transformation of my energy of me, gives the physicality of me."
  • Is there a need for a church?
  • Is there a need for prophets? Which the man has clung to, so fast. Not to be able to go through the transition to understand the work of himself and his Soul.
We don't teach anymore. We inspire the Soul of the Man, to evolve, to be educated by themselves. The schools and the Churches and the Mosques, to abuse the Soul of the Man, are shut from now on.
It's the man who has to find a path to his Soul to educate himself, according to the point of the Universe where he arrives, because not many other will arrive in that point, and there is no book of reference.
You cannot go back to Earth, "I go to the library find out what it says about here.", because you are there and then, and you have to understand,
★it's the strength of your Soul which dictates your manifestation in physicality in that environment.
It's you, through the strength of your emotion, have to be a negotiator, between the physicality and the Soul.
But there is one point.
★The Soul shines all the time, at the same strength.
★It's the emotion which is the filter to the dimension of the physicality.
If you understood that, you understand that all the Souls are equal, in the eye of the Creation of the Soul.
It's Man who needs to understand, through his emotion, how and where to position which filter, that it gives the manifestation of the body of the Man at a point of the manifestation, where you want to manifest, or can you manifest in different dimensions across.
This is what this the Stars do.
A Star radiates it's field and, according to the strength of the field, in different positions of's shell of it's Plasma, you have Jupiter and you have Venus.
So, the energy of the strength of the Star itself, has not changed.
But, according to the strength and the position, it manifests itself, in different features and structures. So, can we through our emotion, be visible and tangible, in different strength of dimension?
The answer is yes.
So do Stars.
So does the essence of the central point of the Universe at it feels, travels outwards at different strengths, positions leads to Creation of billions of Galaxies and Stars, Planets, Moons and dusts. But, in essence they all came from the center.
So, can a Man to understand itself, through the strength of his Soul, create, and be able to live in different condition within itself?
And, the answer is yes.
Man will learn this very soon, once you become the passengers of the Space.
This is the key.
This is the breakthrough.
This is what we have been trying to teach but we had to play a step-by-step.
What nano-material? What GaNS? How you make the GaNS?
But, the end product, we always focused on the energy on the fields and now you understand, those fields is the Soul of the Man.
Today, we have written the Science of the Man, which has been accepted for Centuries Darwin. What we call, the 'evolution'.
Now, we add to that knowledge, and for Man, even to accept, in past half an hour teaching will take years, because he accepted something, now he adds.
To add to it, that the cause is different. So, I have re-written the history of Man. You got to understand, touch yourself, touch your fingers. Understand, why the nail is there and what the emotion has seen to put a nail in there. And, try to understand the strength of the emotion, which gives the nail, which gives the skin, which gives the finger, which gives the arm and everything else.
Or, understand the entirety of the total, your emotion.
And then understand the Totality of the emotion
all these tears, happiness, joy, fear, movement all comes with different filters from the Source, which is the Soul at the Man.
The mistake has been, as we said, "Man only uses 5% of the brain. The other 95 %, or 90 % I'll never use." because, that was easy to fool everyone. But now we know, every single cell of the brain of the Man, works to 24 hours a day without stop, from the time of inception, to change of physicality, to another dimension.
Because, how do you know, which cell it's time to change? Which cell of the heart? Which piece of the cell of the bone? How long is there? Where has been, had an accident? Now the energy's not there, it's got to be repaired, itself in two years time.
Today, you cut yourself the skin was not due to be changed in another 20 days, but now there is emergency, has to be changed, because otherwise, the... bleeds or new skin comes. Prioritizing the emotion of the pain, to change of the physicality at the cut.
Find this, the path to understanding how you can interact with your emotion that through it, you can understand the work of your Soul. Become the cut in the life of the physicality of yourself, that with it, you understand the cut, and the path of the emotion.
And through it, to understand the filters which you have created, that with it, you interact with it's environment and the other end of the filter, what is received from the Soul of the Man.
Then, you become passengers of the Space. You walk out of the Spaceship there is no land there is nothing to walk on, as you are used to but you see it, a thriving community. You become part of it. You don't have the fear of falling through, as you have already fallen through, into the passage of the environment of the level of the strength of them.
If I leave you in the middle of the air, you hang, and you try to survive, before you hit the ground. what happens if I leave you in the depths of the Space in community which has no tangible planet for you to walk on? But, they have their life! They have their existence, and you want to be part of it?
It's so beautiful! You've never seen water falling out of no mountain, but it is just showers through. And it's not water, its the mirage of the manifestation of the fields crossing and it gives you to your imagination, and it's strength to understanding, flow of the water as you seen on Earth.
That's the only way you can confirm it. In the depths of Universe, the flow of the fields will become the rivers of life, not the waters.
This is what man has to understand.
This is what I said, "We have to educate the Man, that the Man in the new dimensions of the Space understands and sees the Totality
Then ask yourself;
  • Why do I have a shorter finger? Why do I have a long nail?
  • What does my short finger confirms, in respect to my emotion?
  • Why was I born to be in this shape and such a structure of the fingers and toes and the eyes?
  • What am I taking from the environment to confirm my existence?
  • And, what am I giving through the emotion of my own existence?
And if you understand that, you can interact with your own emotion and through it, through the Soul, that if there is a need to extend your finger, you can do so, because, in the environment of that point you need to.
And I've said that many times, I've seen this happening, in one lifespan of a young girl, but Man has the potential to change this speed, according to what it need. Man does not need the Spacesuit to go into Space.
But, we had to go through that process of learning to trust, that we can exist in the Space of the gases of our part.
How much do we trust our own emotion will give us how much we can exist in what depth of the Universe. What we make filter of, will become our manifestation of. Souls, without the filters of the emotion, becomes the passengers of the Unicos.
And, not many have managed that, because of the fear, of not understanding the totality of the strength of the Soul itself
Many, many Souls in the Universe have tried to cross but the fear of demise, have come to become their demise.
Trust in the existence is the key to existence, and trust in the existence is, "I do not take, and I do not take what is not to be taken, that is given to me for me to exist."



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