By Herold W. Lehmann
Published in the Golden age of Gans
例如CO2是C 6 + O 8 + O 8 = 22。
CH 3 6 + 3 = 9.
CuO 29 + 8 = 37。
對於物質的形成,我們用兩個線圈系統,塗有不同強度的甘斯,當中等離子體強度的差異會決定產生的元素。 如果我們用CH3作為較低等離子體來源,而Fe3O4作為較高等離子體來源。 則Fe3O4 = 3x26 + 4x8 = 110,CH3 = 9。 它們之間的差異是101,所以我們應能在線圈系統的組合,套用介於1到101之間的所有元素。
我希望大家能嘗試一下,也許有人能將這些資料轉給凱史先生,看他是否同意這樣的做法,是否有可能以我這樣的建議做成甘斯。 磁鐵礦是氧化鐵黑色的形式,不會裂開或剝落像我們知道的生鏽的紅棕氧化物。黑色氧化物塗層在鐵上形成,保護其免受進一步的腐蝕。我用奈米塗層的銅線作為負極這邊,用一段黑色鐵線作為正極,放在鹽水,施加約4伏特的電。得到一種非常黑色的東西,很快生產出來。五天只用到1個電池,我做出大約5盎司(約142g),我相信是Fe3O4的甘斯。
A Concept For Matter Production:
In my calculations I like to use the Atomic Numbers of elements, because they are easy to remember.
Eg. CO2 is C 6+O 8+O 8 = 22.
CH3 6+3 = 9.
CuO 29+8=37.
For the production of matter we use 2 coil systems coated with different strengths of gans, and the difference between there plasma strengths determins the element that is produced.
If we use CH3 for the lower plasma source and Fe3O4 for the higher plasma source, Fe3O4=3x26+4x8=110, CH3=9. The difference between them is 101, so we should be able to produce all elements between 1 and 101 with this combination of coil systems.
I'm not sure how each coil system is constructed, is it just a single gav. coil inside a mag. coil or set of 2, a large and a small coil, like a stacker section? Or a completely different arangement?
In any case I think a Fe3O4 (magnetite) gans if easy to make would be the ideal choice. Iron is easy and abundant to get a hold of, and I think just placing iron in salt water with a current applied will make it.
I'm hoping others will try it, and perhaps someone can relay this info to Mr. Keshe and see if he agrees with the choice, and if it is possible to make this gans the way I propose.
Magnetite is described as a black form of iron oxide that does not crack and flake like the red-brown oxide we know of as rust. The black oxide coating is perposely formed on iron to protect it from further corrosion.
I used a nano coated copper wire for the negative terminal, and a length of black iron wire as the positive, placed in salt water with about 4 volts applied. I get a very black coloured material which is produced very quickly. In 5 days with just 1 cell, I made about 5 oz of material I believe is Fe3O4 gans.

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