



#資料來源 : Golden Age of Gans會員的互動

甘斯黃金年代會員Irus Ashtar問:我有粉刺,該如何以這項科技處理?有位朋友告訴我:用混和甘斯水co2 + zNo + cUo

#來自凱史夫人Caroline de Roose的評論

改變你的飲食方式,吃很多水果,不要吃洋芋片之類的,裡頭有鹽與辛香料,盡量喝開水不要喝奇奇怪怪的飲料,這有幫助。只用二氧化碳甘斯水噴霧噴幾次在臉上,想到就噴。同時也引用Co2甘斯水 (註明: 大多數人喝磁化水) ,試看看怎麼樣也讓我知道,謝謝。


#另一位會員Paul Carr的回應:鎂甘斯水




另一個罐子(小一點),加1/4到1/2茶匙的氫氧化鈉。我都是加1/2茶匙。 完全溶解它。千萬別碰到!會有腐蝕性。我經歷過



#應用範圍 蚊蟲咬傷、小小燒傷、蜜蜂叮咬、青春痘、切傷、疼痛,我看到也感受到有些神奇的效果。

我也用在貓身上。 將紙巾重複折疊幾次,浸到等離子體的表層水。確保等離子體是完全沉澱在底層。用於受影響的區域。輕微燒傷的情況,敷完一分鐘後再敷第二次。

當存量變低時,就再添加蒸餾水。 我很想聽到其他人用過的分享。 我個人覺得像神奇的靈藥。這是我能給予的最好的形容。

我也為友人做了一罐治青春痘的他女兒長痘痘。他女兒很訝異那一罐很有幫助,他的醫生卻幫不了忙。 我生命中每次刮鬍後都會刮傷,直到我用這個作鬍後水。50歲左右。刮傷馬上不痛但疤痕還會持續幾天。我的貓臉上的化膿2天內就消失。我女朋友嘴角的凍瘡用了以後不再困擾她,而且2天內就消失。



Irus Ashtar ask: I have acne, how can I deal with technology? A friend, indicated me: EMPLASTROS DE GANS co2+zNo+cUo


Comments from Caroline de Roose

Change your way of food first and eat a lot of fruits remove any chips for a long time they contain certain salts and herbs and spices and try to prevent to drink fuzzy drinks just plain drinks it helps .use a spray with only Co2 gans water as many times you like upon the face and only drink Co2 gans water try see how it works out let me know thanks



Comments from another member, Paul Carr

Epsom salt gans water

Yes. I met with the Keshe Foundation when they went to the White House. Was very happy to meet so many cool people. It's so easy to make and also so Effective.

way of doing

Take a quart jar and fill it with distilled water. Pour about a quarter of it out into another jar. Beauty is, nothing has to be perfect. In the first jar, add about 2 Tablespoons of epsom salt. Fully dissolve it.

In the other jar (smaller quantity) add between 1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon lye caustic crystals. I always do 1/2 teaspoon. Dissolve it fully. Don't touch it! It'll burn you. I found out the hard way.

Once it's dissolved, pour it into the jar with dissolved epsom salt. The reaction will begin immediately. Let the plasma settle for a day. Then start cleaning it. Pour as much water as you can out of it without losing plasma. Then fill it back up with distilled water. Wait another day and repeat. Clean it at least 3 times. After it settles a day after the last cleansing, it's ready.


Use it for mosquito bites, minor burns, bee stings, acne, cuts and sores. I've seen and felt it do amazing things.

Also for my cats. Fold a paper towel a few times and dip it into the jar on the surface. Make sure the plasma is fully settled. Apply it to the affected area. For minor burns, do it a second time after a minute.

When it starts to run low, add more distilled water.

I would love to hear any results from anyone who tries it. Personally, it's like a magic elixir. Best way I can describe it.

I made a jar for friend whose daughter had acne. His daughter was amazed how much it helped while the doctors couldn't help.

I've broken out after shaving every time in my life until I used that as aftershave. About 50 years old. Burns stopped hurting instantly even though the scar lasted for days. A giant abscess on my cats face was gone in 2 days.

A growing cold sore on my girlfriend's lip quit bothering her right after she applied it, and was gone in 2 days. It's cheap and easy. I hope it helps.


不過也不是標準答案 就是一個分享



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