












就像我說的,有鬍鬚的不見得是你叔叔,對吧? 只因為它是氧,你把它放進來,氧在它本身濃度的強度跟這個很搭。為什麼有些元素永遠不會被氧化,因為它們自身結構帶有氧的能量等級,永遠不會被吸引過去,因為它自己帶有平衡的能量,不需氧來做平衡。







how viruses grow


We said the strongest, the strongest if you go by size gives to the weakest. If you have stronger Soul of a higher order, it gives so much to this Soul that it becomes the same as you.

But the question is "How did you become strong?" It's the banana, isn't it? The more you peel the banana, the more banana you get, which is got more energy in it for you to eat. The more you give from the skin, the more pleasure you have to give. Stronger, move manifest itself. 175:56 - 176:01

But, does it mean that because it's of the higher order it taps to the end of the banana, and this little chap taps to the beginning of the banana. And we think that by giving to make this one, this will come to here, but in fact in doing that, it has created more to take from the Field of Universe, it never changes. The only thing it does, next one, next one and next one.

I was explaining this about viruses, very recently How do the viruses grow? That's how viruses grow, And once it balances to one with the other one, now we go to the next, and that's why they grow so fast. And once you use something which can take the energy away, the rest collapse.

That's why, if you look, as we speak about alkalineness, the energy which can attract and attach to itself, to the ... Entity, is through the strength of its Oxygen. Otherwise it cannot do because gravitational is Oxygen.

So all the viruses on this planet, or in the space will attach themselves to a strength level of the Oxygen of the body of the Man in majority of the time, in the atmospheric condition of the Earth.

And that's why when we show the Ebola ... of the crisis which was in Africa, in Sierra Leone, they immediately confiscated all the systems from the scientists. Because, all we did, you put a element in there to drain the energy from the protein there ... . 177:47 - 177:53

No, no we call it a virus, but it's the attached energy pack to the amino acid.

And now we know it's only can be attached mainly on this planet to the Oxygen level, so you put intimate Oxygen in the CO2, ZnO2, or a mixture of much stronger, to higher the element you have the higher strengths Oxygen you are carrying within the structure.

And nobody understand, this puzzles me for years, nobody sees this.

You see CuO and ZnO, both have a Oxygen, but the strength of the Oxygen in this, is much higher than the strength of the Oxygen in this, then you have an oxidize Hydrogen which we call it a water. The energy of the Oxygen here, to attach itself to two Hydrogen, it's very, very low, it's very weak. It's, this end of the banana, not much in it. Where here you have much stronger, more of the banana is here, and then if you are there, you are more out of the banana, you are here.

as we say, I always say, who has got the mustache is not you uncle, is it? just because it's an Oxygen in it you put in there, the strength of the Oxygen in its level, can match with this.

Why some elements never get oxidized?

Because within the structure of themselves, they carry energy level of Oxygen, which it can never be attracted to it, because it's they carry the balanced energy with themselves, they don't need the Oxygen to balance. The Field Plasma condition. Understand this, you understand most of the World of the Plasma.

In the Universe, change the Oxygen to something else. This could be Zn and this it becomes the Plutonium. In planet Zeus Zn is Gravitational Field-Strength. It only can attach to something else, if it has that in it, and which spectrum, because Oxygen on its own in this Planet, is not mono-level.

We have a spectrum of the Gravitational-Magnetic Field of Oxygen.

Here it matches Hydrogen,

here matches Zinc,

here matches Plutonium.

And nobody understands this.

That's why you say,"Ooo, CuO is a better alkalineness, has a better alkalineness. Or CuO doesn't work with this.

All you do, look at what strengths attaches itself to the Copper, or to the Zinc, or to the water. That's why everything gets oxidized on this planet. Oxygen in the balancer of it. It doesn't get Carbonated, it doesn't get Zinconized, it gets Oxygenized. Means it has within it, as part of its structure, balanced Field energy of giving and taking.

Redefine the physics and chemistry, you just walk through it. Thanks God, another man of fallacy has gone from us he can't add any more rubbish into the world which he had no understanding of. The world of science is much better off without Steven Hawking. 181:29 - 181:34

Now, senses will start talking, because the man who push themselves to be nothingness to everything is gone. Now we can discuss science in true meaning of it. 181:52 - 181:55

Any other question?


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