

original post by Mark House

Feb 23, 2017









Keshe warns against the critical situation in Fukushima

The nuclear physicist Mehran Keshe from the Keshe Foundation is talking about the danger of a nuclear chain reaction at plutonium level in Fukushima at the 158th Knowledge Seekers Workshop (from 2:14). A devastating plutonium explosion could take place if the already exorbitant radiation values continue to rise and reach more than 1000 sievert, which is a clear indication of a plutonium reaction environment. This development was expected, since plutonium is inevitable in any nuclear reactor operated with uranium fuel.

Technologies to remove so much energy from the Plutionium that it transmits uranium to prevent plutonium explosions of gigantic extent, according to Keshe; He had been in negotiations with Tepco for curbing the danger, but Tepco had broken off. Tepco wants to keep under the cover that the basic cause of the Fukushima disaster is related to the secret and forbidden (but under the eyes of the US and the IAEA) manufacturing of weapons-capable plutonium by Japan.
Keshe says the very high radiation emissions point to a nuclear process that takes place at the plutonium level (it is about the remains of MOX fuel elements.) Probably not exclusively, since only reactor 3 was operated with Mox fuel elements -> reactor 3 Of the Fukushima I nuclear power plant also contained MOX fuel elements since August 2010. At the time of its explosion, 32 of the total of 548 fuel elements consisted of MOX fuel. However, the high radiation values are currently being measured in reactor1.

And Reaktor1 was used for the prohibited production of weaponry plutonium by Japan. According to Keshe, the massive radiation rise in Reaktor1 is virtually impossible in a pure uranium reactor. According to his data, the reactor1 was fed with a stimulation charge plutonium ("seed") by 2008.
The "plutonium nests" still present after the "disaster" in a mountain of nuclear material could have initiated a possible breeding process that could lead to a devastating explosion of unprecedented and unprecedented proportions (with subsequent explosions of nearby further reactors) .
In this context, it should be noted that at the time of the Fukushima disaster, which according to Keshe was the alleged tsunami, other theories about the possible cause of the disaster were circulating in the net. Japan's nuclear ambitions can hardly be contested, and other powers might have been interested in sabotaging the nuclear rearmament of Japan.


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