

教學進入到『環』或『扁平』核心。造成一些一向活躍的人很多的困擾,因為他們看不到可以怎麼做的方法,他們之前可以使用馬達,只要上面放個球找個方法做。正如我說的,人類有過最大的發明之一就是輪子。現在我們要把輪子弄平,你就昏頭轉向了。…………..~ by 凱史 於第246次知識尋求




#以下原貼文者Go To the Forest分享








這次選擇的砂紙是8001500 7000。第一道打磨是用7000,這讓你確實看到奈米分層是長怎樣,你會注意到奈米群聚更容易滋長,而碟形的其他部分可能相當平但,仍覆蓋品質很好的奈米。你也會發現有些地方的奈米塗層相當薄弱,通常在比較邊緣的地方。











We are moving on with nano discs. First three discs are going back to nano-process after they've been polished. This is a nice moment to have a look at nano-layer, how it grows, how it concentrates in some parts of the copper disc.
A few technical thoughts at this stage. Perhaps if You ever work with discs - this may be useful for You or You have some other experience.

So, when we take the discs out of the nano, we first let them stay in warm water so to get rid of caustic⋯⋯. Then we polarize them and it comes polishing time.

The choice of sand-papers this time was : 800, 1500 and 7000. The first polish was made using 7000. This lets You actually see what s the nano layer really like. You ll notice nano clusters, where it grows more willingly while some other parts of the disc may be pretty plain but still covered with decent nano. Also, You ll find places where the nano is quite weak – these will often be edges. So, after we know what's going on, we start polishing again either using 800 for stronger polish or 1500 for a weaker. We always finish with 7000 sand paper.

After it is done - discs go back to nano again. And we repeat this process couple of times.
Even after first polish discs feel great in hands and You can feel the fields interacting. So let's move on to next discs


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