





就是... 我們曾有個零售組織,組織的負責人拒絕.......我無法說服他採購刀子,我說破嘴。我們賣刀叉,湯匙,他就是不願意賣刀子。他無法採購刀子。他無法在零售通路賣刀子。就是沒有刀。後來我們決定都不賣餐具,那是最簡單的方法。









讓人們去感受。為什麼? 以及... 不要去擾動,而是去提升。












































An old man who refused to sell the knives

Gans of weapon to make obsolete the weapon


I saw this in a... years ago in one of our organizations.  I've talked about this before,

because it has a lot of meaning  for those who understand. 200:34 - 200:35 

And that is... We used to have retail organization. And the head of retail refused to... I could not convince him to buy a knife, I did everything possible. We selling forks, knives, and spoons,but he wouldn't sell knife. And he can't do it. He can't sell as a retail chain. No knives. 201:02 - 201:05 

So we decided we don't sell cutlery because that was the easiest way around. I said to him many time, and he was very convinced.

He said, "You know something? I bought knives for a shop, somebody bought knives

from our, one of our shops, and he went home and did damage, by murdering or whatever".

"I saw myself responsible for putting that knife in that shop."

"I'm not buying it. Just lose money, but I don't want to have my Soul in it."


He was an old man. I used to kiss him on his chin.

He said, "I understand." And every now and then, I used to have this discussion with him.  He knew I understood, but the resolute of the man,

"don't want to be part of it," amazing.

Let the people feel. Why? And ... don't harass, but elevate.


The... The biggest problem is arms has become means of employment. Nothing else, because otherwise, Nation would be full of unemployment.


The Belgium Government, 40% of National aid comes through arms. 'Defense', they call it. We have to be able to find a way to feed the Nation, that through it, we achieve perfection of the Soul.


When you understand the Wishes of the Soul, when you want Peace, it happens. We wanted Peace in many occasions. We got all with it, and we, we see it. Because, we go with a Pure Soul, we receive it, we achieve it. We have to be open to understand the reason, and then finding the reason.


As I said, when you want a King to move, you have to support the Soul of the Nation. You want to stop the arms, you have find methods that we can feed the Nation, we can give the Nation what they need, then they let the arms go.

But, the other hand a lot of people walk out the government can not support. But it finds another way in different name. It's a huge, huge, profitable money machine.

Go back to the Senate. I was talking about this very recently. Go back to the Senate. A few years ago when the rough time fell on the American Government, they started scrutinizing everything, everything they could fine line to cut the budget. They came across one of the major aircraft industry suppliers to American military.

In the inventory of invoices, they found something very interesting. A screw, something like one and a half thousands. One of the members asked, "What type of screw is this, can we see it?" They brought it with all this vacuum pack and everything. They took it out. They went on the street. They bought the same one

for less than a cent. They gave it back to the manufacturers,

the guy says,

 "Give me your pen back. Can you check it to us, see what we done?"

"No, No, it's perfect. It's exactly what we gave you."

They said,"This is not yours."

Arm makes a lot of profit. One cent : One and a half thousand dollars

It's us as a Human race who have put no value on our Souls. Now we know it worth everything, more than Physicality.

Let's change the game. Destroying the arms is no good. Do you wanna help? Making it obsolete by new technology does.

How many of you been in castles? How many times you been on these old castles, with these old cannons still there? The new technology made them obsolete. That's what we got to do. We got to bring a new technology, that it makes it obsolete. All the warheads, the latest aircraft industry can be stopped.

Alex asked me,"teach the defense". Let's stop all the wars. Do you want to learn how to stop the wars? Do you want to stop the whole structure of the weapon technology? Do you want to stop the main line of communication between the ships

and their mother ships? Do you want to stop the whole weapon technology in its track?

Make the GANS of the gun powder

Make the GANS of microchip

But be careful you don't damage your telephones.

Make a GANS of what is the part of the rocket, aircraft, boats whatever is military,

and run it in the right order.

What will when you [ inaudible], you deplete the structure. Craft with a hole cannot fly

If you are very good at it, high definition resolution field strength, you can convert the plastic of s..... carb content to as an insulator, to a super insulator or a conductor. so the whole circuitry collapses. You have to test and educate yourself. Spare a few telephones, and run them, and see which one a stops.

But be careful you don't damage yours. But you have to find specifically certain things, which is specific worth, one thing. You know when you're looking for a topic you go into the,... what do you call it, 'Internet'. Then you just put a sentence, a specific sentence and it comes up wherever it is? You have to become expert.  They can't fly a plane. They can't do a ship.  And the Russians have done in Alaska recently to the Americans, and they've done it in the Black Sea last, couple of years ago.

And we've seen it. It's done more and more. The warheads in North Korea is stop or... in no time All you need to do, you don't have to worry it's what I told to the, to the South Koreans recently. Just we show you, how the rockets will never launch because the microchip in it doesn't work You don't need to worry about it, if you're exposed because never the chain of the command to warhead, will never come into operation.

Use the soil of the land, you'll achieve the same. You can bond system to the land where it is. It will not move, it can go full blast. you don't need to do anything. You can create magnetic field covers that from anywhere, anything within a certain structure, cannot go through. It's very easy. You can paralyze world military.

Keshe Foundation supporters can do in the flick of a finger across the World.

But the thing is what are we gonna do with all this unemployment and the terrorists, and the other people who see a gap in the place to be abusing it? Shouldn't we as the arms of the police armies without borders for protection of the Nation.

the technology is here, but, what are we going to replace, and how fast we're going to replace, how fast we are going to stop? I don't see any reason for North Korea possessing Nuclear warhead. We don't need it, unless it's tool of fear. So, we have no fear.

My recommendation to Chinese Government has been, to the Tokyo has been, to South Korean has been, let us deliver you the technology that doesn't matter, they can press button as much as they like. Even they can launch it in the Space of

their own area, the minute it can't explode, the President will see his own demise.

If I receive request from the Chinese Government, that they want the whole Nuclear structure across the World to be muffled, give me a few days, and I only listen to President of China. (212:08 - 212:10) That's my only condition.

Because they can enforce to hold Peace, but there is no need for Nuclear action. There is a way, I'm a Nuclear physicist, and I know, there is a chain which needs to be took. Nobody even needs to worry about dismantling Nuclear warheads, how many we agree to do, we dismantle the whole thing in one go.

We make them ineffective, let them dismantle it, at least it create some job. We can stop all the Nuclear submarines in the bed of the seas. Never to be seen. Then, we give them the chance, bring up, release your staff that no Soul is harmed. We disarm, on, in the port.


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