





如果你看,宇宙顯化自己唯一的方式,是以其內在的場強與造物者之光互動。 銀河系要具顯自己,現在你不只擁有宇宙的場域,也有造物者場域的引領互動。



在物理世界中,我們稱為次原子元素。但事實上,那是它自有的創造世界。 (59:45)











在很多方面,宇宙場域是單一能量,在重力與磁力。它們兩者當中,在中心帶有我們所知的1g。我之前講過,大家應該很清楚。你看到頻率不在等離子體。 頻率在等離子體場強往下走的過程。稱為物質狀態,稱為場域狀態。







宇宙場域與其他場域互動可能會顯示一些共振的信號。有些信號你稱為頻率。 但是你必須找出在共振與頻率這一點發生了什麼事,具顯出什麼你沒看到?



(Continue) how to create three field forces

from now on, we become creator of any state.

And from now on, we go back to where we came from.

Frequency, vibration ,resonance



In so many ways, in the present condition, which we are heading for, we can manifest any condition of any entity, be from any part of the universe. This is the time, from now on, we open the door of the interaction with the universal community thru the development of the technology. is for the governments, and for the governing state of the keshe foundation of the universal council to start the program to work as one team. We bring the technology, and the process, with sharing the knowledge, with governments, as governing body, we start the collaboration, and the operation of the changing the process of the food, the interaction of the materials, and communication. (50:31)


the most powerful field tried to contact the smallest ones. very much like telescope

Let’s go back to the teaching. As we said, the most powerful field tried to make contact with the smallest field. and if we look at the process, is very much like telescope (draw on the whiteboard), in the process, this be the soul of the creator, this is the soul of the universe, soul of the galaxies, soul of the solar system, and then it comes to the soul of the planet. And we are soul of the man. (56:58)


So, all of us have common denominator together, and in so many ways, which is where the man will find the returned-path. In the teachings of the books, we’ve called these “principles”, we have called these one by one the “transition”. Because each one has led to the manifestation of one thing at the point of their manifestation.


If you look, the only way that the universe can show its manifestation, is by interaction of the field forces of its internal section with the light of the creator. In the galaxy to manifest itself, now not only you have the fields of the universe, but you have the interactions of the guidelines of the creator’s fields.


Even the soul of the atom has a line of creation.

So if you understand this and go in to sub-atomic and the nuclear base, something’s very interesting. Even the soul of the atom has a line of creation. If we understood this part, we see there is forever lasting continuity in this.


In so many ways, in this position, it’s the line that is carry on. Man and the atom are not the final points. Nuclear, neutron is not the final point. This is the point we see. As if you are the galaxy, this is the point you see the universe, solar system, and the planet. There is more beyond, which man needs to understand.


In the world of physics, we called it sub-atomic element. But in fact, it’s the world of creation of its own. (59:45)


If we truly look at the whole point of the creation, we call this point A, and we consider this totality as whole lot, and their on-going point A from the creator is somewhere here.


There is much more to go. But mankind has not the intelligence and knowledge to see. Because it’s same as it means. We know the table and chairs, then we got to know the metals and everything, we got to know the atom, and the nucleus, proton and electron, and now plasma, and we are just about here. in the knowledge of the creation, there is lot more to go. (1:00:31)


The more man becomes intelligent, can go down this line, man will find out more how much truth, which is in fact the totality of the whole lot goes back to the creator. It becomes so small, that itself becomes the center focal point of the line of the principle, the creation point of the creator.


from now on, we become creator of any state.

If you understood this, and you work on some of the plasma technologies, especially the dynamic system, you understand exactly what I mean. This is not analytical. A lot of you work on this. And in that process, a lot of you know about it. A lot of you create a dynamic centered point of your dynamic system. And you just ignored it. (1:01:47)


Now you understand how ,to what extent, we have covered everything. But you’ve been blind to the knowledge. And what is to come is virtually what we do. We create a new dimension, a new parameter, a new understanding, and that understanding, in so many ways will manifest itself, that from now on, we become creator of any state, be sub-matter, sub-atomic, some nucleus, even sub-creator.


And from now on, we go back to where we came from.

The totality of the knowledge has been taught. It’s not for knowledge seekers to decipher. And in so many ways, in the process of organizing everything, we come to understand a new total understanding. A totally new comprehension of where and how. And from now on, we go back to where we came from.


But…how do we extend this knowledge?


the process of creation is mutually reversal

What is important for us is to understand the concept, the principle behind the concept. Understand the process of creation is mutually reversal. One cannot exist without the other. How we will fit this into knowledge in the coming time? Is one of the most important parts of our work. (1:04:32)


How do we actually come to understand more and more about the totality.


Fields of the universe always travel in a very systematic way. The only time we see frequency in it is when the plasma comes into interaction with lower state of matter, as it tries to penetrate.


the fields of the universe is mono-energetic

In so many ways, the fields of the universe is mono-energetic, both in gravity and magnetical. And in them, they carry what we know as 1g in the center. I’ve told this before, and you understand very clearly. You see frequencies not in plasma. You see frequencies in the step down in the field strength of the plasmas. Call it matter state, call it field state.


If you understand this, you can move very fast to the next step of the knowledge, and creation of every other matter in the universe. (1:06:06)


It’s the man who dictates the vibration will be, and that vibration shall be stone, gold, food, or honey. Or if you can go above it, you come to the strength of the soul of the creator.


So it comes to the work of Peter, he creates the field, and then he dictate the strength of the frequency, the rains whatever you like.


But in the space, how do you manipulate these? How do you stop the field of the universe? That in the interaction and in the motion, leads to the creation of the condition, that interaction with the lower field leads to the creation of the matter state, of whatever you want to call it. Be soul of the man, be material. (1;07:37)


The technology of understanding the work of the universe is to understand how man can interfere with mono energetic field of the universe, and understand which field is flowing in what direction.


And if you develop further the understanding, it’s very simple. You create your condition, and you become both sides. This is the soul of the man, this is the radio with the power supply, with two cables. One to feed, and one to send back what is added to.


This is an example why a lot of you have problem with the magrav system, of which you haven’t realized the point of conversion of one to the other, and what you can take from. (1:09:07)


signs of resonance

The fields of the universe in the interaction with the other fields might show some signs of resonance. Some signs of what you call frequency. But, then, you have to find out what is happening in this point of the resonance, and the frequency. What has manifested itself that you cannot see.


The universal fields are like motorways, one flies opposite to each other with a space gap. If you introduce, for example, another fields from another dimension into it, then you come to the point of manifestation of the new fields, new strength, new dimension, which is as I said combination of the three. (1:10:20)



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