




原貼文者 Tom Salas


我正和Victor Rob討論到以下問題;












蛋白質的變質 - 氨基酸定義



#Philip: 如果我們了解能量如何在胃中被吸收,第一步是酸性階段,離心極化,根據酸的強度盡可能分解成更小的粒子,第二步鹼性階段,向心極化,其中確實產生甘斯,能在需要之時需要之處被吸收,其他就透過尿液排出去




#Kubarlow:能量矩陣 - 正如其名 – 超越物質狀態的能量矩陣,苛鹼只是把物質狀態的表層去除,因為苛鹼也是一種物質狀態在這個層級起作用,簡單也合乎邏輯




#Carolyn :我也不認為這是個問題。我不同意甘斯會被苛鹼印記。甘斯在它的特性上有其特別之處。





#Victor: 先生們,如果你把植物,葉子,花,蔬菜放到苛鹼裡,奈米化它們。 它們3分鐘內就死亡。所有酵素與能量矩陣在物質狀態就死亡。把這些植物蔬果帶到奈米狀態有何用處,如果它們在物質狀態就死亡?

#Jean Jac:你一把蔬果從植物切開它就死了?!!! 所以你放不放苛鹼它會怎樣改變?別忘了(甘斯)經過多次清洗。

#Balis:如果我要一塊牛排,我把牛排的場域轉移到CO2或CH3的反應器? 如果我把一塊牛排奈米化,另一塊牛排放到鹽水,我會得到牛排或整隻牛的甘斯?



Victor 說,放進苛鹼液會降低物質到無生命的糊狀物,這種狀況沒有任何有益的東西出來,實驗室測試將進一步證明,更重要的是整個過程很危險,從這當中所做出的甘斯也是有毒的。(這部分可以在實驗室做測試)。




#Barbu: Victor Rob不是凱史基金會羅馬尼亞的人,此人濫用等離子體科技還賣出非法的醫療品!警告所有人也為此道歉。我們不鼓勵愚蠢,區分出來,回到教學。

#貼文者Tom: 被困在物質的思維,又想了解等離子體科技永遠會導致混亂。



I``m having a discussion with Victor Rob about the following;


Good evening, I warn everyone who has done, is doing, or is planning to do GaNS for health with vegetables, fruits, herbs, flowers, or others not to use soda.


Some people still had the idea that plants, vegetables, fruits should be nano-quoted in soda. It's totally wrong.


Do not play with your own or others' health.


You have great worries. If you make the mistake of covering nano, vegetables, fruits, etc. in the caustic soda bath, they will die instantly, by default, enzymes and energy matrix will be 0 ,, will be canceled, plus the plasma water resulting from this process will be toxic. In GaNS the energy matrix of the soda will remain, no matter how much you wash it, to reach a pH of 8.5 - 9.

I insist, do not play with your health and / or your health. Thank you

I dont agree, and feel that this should be discussed here with other plasmacists. Please feel free to add you opinion. Cheers


people's comments:

Tom: Victor feels that if we lab test the materials after being in a caustic solution, that we will see that the matter is dead and will have no qualities that we can then create Gans with. I feel that a lab test will only show matter state results (which of course will not show any plasmatic changes). I would like to know what does everyone else here think?

Mark: matter - when exposed to caustic soda is converted to a highly alkaline sustance. And when combined with GaNS the GaNS restores it's matrixes to plasmatic field strength of the GaNS used. #metalloproteins

Does NaOH denature protein?
This problem is resolved by first treating the serum with an acid to denature and precipitate the protein. ... Proteins can be hydrolyzed by boiling in a solution containing a strong acid such as HCl or a strong base such as NaOH. At ordinary temperatures, proteins can be hydrolyzed with the use of enzymes.

https://aminodotnet.weebly.com › d...

Denaturation of Proteins - Amino acid definition

well, to put it simply either HCL acid or an alkaline such as NaOH can be used to break down the matter state of plants, fruit, nuts, etc., as taught by both the Kf and biochemistry called hydrolyzed to obtain live Amino acids and protein chains. So in other words neither acid nor alkaline destroy the essential Amino acids and proteins.

Tony Arena: I definitely would not eat it is my first thought, but for like wands and stuff it might be a good idea although I would run some kind of tests on it first to see how it compares with a more traditional gans recepie.

Philip; If we look at how energy is absorbed in the stomach, first step - acid stage, centrifugal polarisation, breaks down to the smallest size possible based on the strenght of the acid, then comes second step - alcaline stage, centripetal polarisation, where gans is actualy created, being absorbed if needed, where needed, when needed, the rest gets rejected thru urine etc.

I dont realy see any matter in this universe as "dead". It all depends on what we want to achieve in manipulating the conditions.

With NaOH treated and rinsed gans the good thing is, when using gans, the worst thing that can happen is - nothing. (from my experience) With acid treated gans, not so much, be careful

Tom: Thats the way i see it also

Kubarlow: the energy matrix - as the name implies - is an energy matrix superior to the state of matter, caustic soda only "removes clothing" of the state of matter, because caustic soda is also a state of matter and acts at this level, simple and logical

Nikolai: I dont see an issue with the caustic nanocoated plates. For one, MTK actually doesn't recommend the fire coating and says so several times. 85% of the Keshe technology thus far is for the health and wellness of ALL beings. This coming from a man who says he would rather eat a piece of meat than 1000 grains of rice, for each in his eyes os a soul. In my understanding the caustic creates a more gravitational gans and the firecoating more magnetical. This is due to the size of the spacegap created in each of the processes. I would not buy into the fear aspect of this debate although I do see it as valid to question many things, especially if there are language confusions amd or mistranslation into various languages. The caustic coated plate is not releasing caustic into the gans unless the plate hasnt been washed. Dont forget the gans created also undergoes several (up to 6, 9,18) washes. Being that the NaOH would far prefer to disperse into an aquaeous solution and raise the water's pH than attach themselves to the GaNS (please remember what the GAS in Nanosolid State really is...)

Carolyn: I am not seeing it as a problem either. I don't get that the GANS gets imprinted with caustic. Gans seems to be special that way in what it does.

Toomy: I do not use caustic soda for Gans, i do not like corrosive chemicals.

Neil: As an ex biologist working with plasma I can see how Mr Keshe emulates the natural world in gans production etc. (CO2 kit is a leaf) So to make a food gans it seems logical to me to follow what actually happens in the body, food is mechanically broken up in the mouth, then digested in HCL in the stomach, then neutralized the acid with Sodium Bicarbonate which makes the salt then NaOH (the bile salts) to alkalize the food and produce the Gans in the intestines. (When you add the CO2 plasma water after washing). Using this caustic method although time consuming, produces wonderful gans of herbs, foods or whatever, which have good energy signatures in the plasma fields.

Victor : Domnilor dacă bagi plante, frunze, flori, legume în soda sa le aduci la starea nano. aceste în 3 minute vor murii. implicit vor murii toate enzimele și matricea energetica, la starea materiala. La ce mai folosește sa aduci acea planta la starea nano dacă planta este moarta la starea materiala ?

Gentlemen, if you put plants, leaves, flowers, vegetables in soda, bring them to the nano state. these in 3 minutes will die. by default all enzymes and energy matrix will die, in the material state. What use is it to bring that plant to the nano state if the plant is dead to the material state?

Jean Jac: As soon as you cut a Plante to eat it. It's dead?!!! So even you put or not naoh what it change? But don't forget to wash many time the mixture.

Balis: if I want a steak hook I transfer the steak field over the co2 or ch3 reactor? If I nano-coat a piece of steak with soda and I have another piece of steak put in salted water, do I get gans a steak or whole and living beef? :)))

Tom: Thank you for all the input. It is my understanding that we convert matter to nano to plasma. Putting the herb or food or whatever matter in a caustic solution takes us to the second stage (nano).

Then adding an amount of this nano liquid to a Gans reactor will make the conversion to the final stage which is plasma. (As stated above) we are replicating a natural occurrence in the human body.

Victor is saying that e reduce the matter to a lifeless paste when we put it into a caustic solution, and that nothing beneficial can come of this once it is in this condition, and a laboratory test will prove as much, but more importantly that this whole process is dangerous and that the water that is then produced from the gans will be toxic. (This part we should be able to test in a laboratory).

Victor, you have scared the crap out of a few people by making this statement, and i think that before putting this out there as fact, it should be intelligently discussed (as we are doing here). I feel that the bottom line is this; Testing a well washed liquid plasma of food should indicate if it is toxic or not. Does anyone have the wherewithal to do such a test? Thanks

James: Use food grade soda or use wood ash(potash). thats how nature does it,eg.BIO-Char from forest fires caused by lightening strikes.You don't need gans,you are a gans.Gans is just a learning tool and a middle man.

try adding some magnesium sulfate(mgso4 (epsom salts) to your plasma water.

Barbu: Victor Rob is not part of Romanian Medical KF SSI Program, this person abuses the plasma technology and sells illegaly medical applications !!! I warned you & we apologize for this <3 we do not encourage stupidity, make the difference and go back to teaching.





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