Tom Salas
published in the Golden Age of Gans
看這裡!! 看這裡!! #最新款的貼
(一) 以前貼布怎麼用,現在這個就怎麼用。 層層疊上去產生一個漸進的能量。 也可以前面一片後面一片(三明治方式)地用。 根據身體不同區域做出大小不同的裁片。 如果戴著又需要到處走動就用繃帶去固定,如果不需要就那樣放著放鬆。 就各種方式都做做看,才會知道哪一種方式(材料)會比較好用。


(二) 是的,等離子體完全是有印記的,而且有赫茲頻率。是的,我用一個音調發生和一個淺的容器(如上圖所示)平放在一個喇叭擴音器上。
(三) 我前幾天寫給一位朋友......開始一些簡單的小實驗,通常會馬上看到結果:建立一個等離子體反應器
建立任何等離子體反應器的關鍵就在 #奈米塗層的過程。基本上目標就是在一片銅板上打造幾千層的碳。夾一塊銅板在火中烤,會建立幾層,但脆弱。所以建議用氫氧化鈉。將一塊銅板或線圈放到堅實的容器,搖晃放置在容器底部的氫氧化鈉,倒入沸水,馬上蓋上蓋子。(請注意這過程的自我保護)
這是一個基本的等離子體反應器,產生出二氧化碳與鋅(甘斯)的混合物....有其他方法可以產出更多二氧化碳或更多鋅......但這是最好的起點。 你可以把鋅板換成其他金屬板產生其他類型的等離子體。
一旦產出等離子體,需要稀釋洗掉鹽。那麼你就差不多準備好了。有很多細微差別與細節,一旦你著手於這些基礎知識,你就可以開始享受這過程。我會建議你加入臉書一個社團叫the golden age of gans。很多人分享想法與展示他們的作品。希望這有幫助....如果你需要任何指引,請隨時提出問題。希望這有幫助。
White - CO2, yellow - CH3, Blue - CUO
Whenever anyone in the family has pain, we try out our experiments on them!
Toothache pain gone in 5 mins.
I mixed two part resin with Gans, to make these little flexible layer-able plasma patches. No colours added, just the Gans.
Additional remarks:
(A) use them in the same way that we are used to using any pain patch. Layering to create the energy gradient. You can use them front and back of any area of the body. Try making smaller or larger sizes for different areas of the body. If you are wearing them and need to be active (walking around) I would use a bandage...if not i just rest them on the affected part of the body and relax. we should experiment with all modalities to get a deeper understanding of which applications work better
(A) and yes plasma is totally imprintable with hz frequency!! yes i use a tone
generator and a shallow container (pictured above) layed flat on a speaker
(B) I wrote this to a friend the other day...start very simple with a few little
experiments and usually you will see good results instantly: setting up a plasma reactor
The key to setting up any plasma reactor is the nano coating process. Basically the aim is to build up thousands of layers of carbon on a piece of copper. Chucking a piece of copper in the fire will build up a few, but they will be fragile...so instead we use sodium hydroxide. Put a copper plate or coil in a strong container, shake some sodium hydroxide in the bottom of the container, pour boiling water in and get the lid on as fast as possible.
Its a pretty explosive reaction, so take precaution. Wait for the liquid to cool. poor out 95% of the liquid into a spray bottle and put the container out in the sun. The carbon layers will now start to grow. I then spray the copper every day for 3 weeks. (some dont do this part, and use the nano materials after a day...i nourish them daily with pure intent and the love of a house pet!)...you need to place a voltmeter set to 200mv on the nano materials every so often...
i wont go into the why here...then once you are happy that you have a solid nano coating just gently rinse off the caustic liquids and let them dry in the sun. Nano materials are fragile and will get crushed if you handle them, so i use a piece of wire to manoeuvre them.
Next step is connect them with an electrode to a piece of zinc and sit them in a 5-10% salt solution.
Thats a basic plasma reactor that will create a mixture of C02 and zinc....there are ways to create more C02 or more zinc...but this is the best place to start. You can swap the zinc plate for other metals to produce other types of plasma. Once you have produced the plasma, you need to wash out the salts by dilution. Then you are pretty much ready to go. There are many nuances and details that you can then start to enjoy once you wrap your head around the basics. I would advise joining the facebook group called the golden age of gans...here there are many people sharing ideas and showing their works. Hope this helps....feel free to pop a question if you need any guidance. Hope this helps

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