






里克: 這東西是除草劑,全世界都在使用,而且使用好多年。他們(孟山都)一直說無害,但現在人們發現裏頭的成分嘉磷塞會致癌,此刻正存在於每樣東西,其實也在每個人體內。因為在食物鏈的關係,會在不同的東西裡發現,從小孩吃的燕麥,所有我們吃的小麥的東西,都發現大量的嘉磷塞。








里克: 磷





















Recent lawsuit won against Monsato

Lethal bio-mimic power of Glyphosate 


Rick: Mr. Keshe, something that’s happening NOW with regard the big thing, about the Roundup which has the Glyphosate, there has been a huge lawsuit with 100 of millions of dollars from one single person that just won the lawsuit against Monsanto for Roundup. And now this is the precedent setting case it’s looking like….

Keshe: can you explain in another way? I’m not aware of that…sorry.

Rick: this stuff is an herbicide, it’s used worldwide. And it’s been used for many years. They always claimed it’s harmless, and now they find the glyphosate in it is cancer causing agent. That is virtually in everything and everybody at this point this time.  It’s in the food chain. They’ve discovered in a number of different things. Everything, from kid cereals, high amounts, for example, all the wheat we have, high amount from this glysophate, and so on. 

Keshe: can you put it on the screen to….wikipedia …

Rick : ok, sure, 

John; yes, there is residue of glyphosate…in the water, the tap water, people drink it and get it in, high amounts of cancer through this, 

(Rick looked and shared the Wikipedia about the Glyphosate, of its chemical structure. As well as amino acid chain of DNA)

Keshe: You see the DNA of the body of the man has a skeleton of the spinal back of it. You see what it contains, then you understand why it is so dangerous. 

The shape of the DNA is because of the element. 

Till you get the same parameters (talked to Rick), on your DNA, the element. 

Keshe: OK, if you look at this element, which you just said you created so much.  (Read the DNA elements composition) what you have this element? 

Rick: phosphorous

Keshe: you understand? 

The reason this to this, whatever it is dangerous, because it carries amino acid backbone, which is phosphorous. You see the spiral shape of the DNA, is because of the spacing of the phosphor 

So in this structure, you see why this is so lethal. Because it interacts in balance with the spinal backbone of the DNA. The helix shape of DNA, I’ve written a paper somewhere I’ve explained it somewhere. Is due to phosphor. 

So you have the phosphor which already touched the helix, so the helix changes its positioning. It’s not the same shape. Because of the interaction of the field. So in that position, everything moves. That’s why it’s so dangerous.

But what do they produce this material? What’s the reason of production of this material? And there is a way you can change it. If it’s in the waters, you can change very simple. You can CHANGE THE BOND in a very simple way. Because it’s connected to Nitrogen. If you look at it. 

The spinal space of the amino acid, is a protein carrier. So you have a protein in there. Nitrogen of the protein, hydrogen of the protein, oxygen is there. What is left is CARBON, 

If you look at the shape of the structure, it’s very easy. You see the interaction of the fields themselves create the carbon, so THIS IS A COPY OF AMINO ACID by field interaction. That’s why it’s so lethal. 

It interacts because it mimics amino acids, it mimics DNA, so DNA takes part of it. So it opens it up, the shape of the helix changes. That’s why it’s so dangerous. 

It’s very easy, as knowledge seekers should be able to read, this is very very easy, look what you have, you have 5 oxygens, you have 4 hydrogens, you have 1 nitrogen, so all you need is the conversion field forces of one oxygen. Or conversion field force of 2 oxygens to create field force of carbon. Then you have full amino acid, which is the backbone of the DNA. Then you have spinal cord of the DNA helix condition, which gives you the phosphor. That’s it. Voila. You see it was so dangerous. 

And there is a way you can change it in your systems, if you ADD CO2 GANS INTO IT will destroy. All you need to do with this, Is to create CO2, gans water of CO2, most of CO2 itself is a gans one drop. With this balance, this will break up the chain, then you left with a phosphor, and that phosphor you need, they will become a positive using the structure of the body of the man. Because the phosphor will change to the Sulphur, the become part of your immune system. And the phosphor becomes the backbone of the structure of the physical existence. You strengthen the amino acid chain. (2:33:38)

Any of you do these tests, you can do it, just add ONE DROP OF CO2 into this combination, you DISBALANCE IT, because one of the oxygens loses, what’s gonna happen? You have H2O, now you have two drops of water, what are you left with? With one hydrogen, two oxygens, when you bring two oxygens with a hydrogen, it have to split. 

Because if you go back to the world of understanding, in the world of creation, hydrogen, or nitrogen, gains or lose, to become a carbon or oxygen, to create a condition of life of amino acids. 

So when you introduce CO2, you add to condition that the 4 oxygens become balanced, then, you bring the carbon, your hydrogen is released on its own, nitrogen is freed, you bring in the total balance of liquid of amino acids. You have p with it, now the structure is broken, it strengthened the amino acid structure of the DNA. 

Actually if you understand you can use it. As a benefit of being erased  (2:35:26)

If you can add on to it, and check it, and see what it comes to. Then we need phosphor, we need huge amount of phosphor, because phosphor, and Sulphur, and part when you do blood test, you see what it comes. 

To be continued


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