












Extract from Blueprint for Peace For Humanity –
by Mehran Keshe - DAY 2 AM - 39:30

What is the purpose of living? Why are we here?

In the Creation of the Universe we need seeds of growth. When you want to plant a tomato plant, you don't go and take your tomato. You take the seed. And that seed carries all the information what is needed to create a plant and then more tomatoes. It's the center of the energy it is that seed the totality what it needs to create the
next dimension, next cycle of Life.

The planet Earth has been the nursery of Universal seed. What it means, it means: You understand where does my Soul go, you understand why am I here, you understand the Soul of the Man is the seed of the creation of new dimensions of the Universe.

When you want to plant trees, you open a nursery. You put one seed at the time in one plant pot. You water it, it grows, you look after it. It becomes a small shrub and then a plant and then a tree. So is the Soul of the Man and Soul of all beings on this planet.

The Soul of the Man on his progressive advancement reaches a point that becomes the center of the elements of the Universe, which means he starts a new cycle. It's that seed which you saw in the soil.

This time we sees the Souls in the soil of the Universe and those who are in parallel and in strength equal will become the source and the essence of the new cycle of Life.

This is the secret of Creation.

The body of the Man is that plant pot, it's the soil. It nourishes the Soul till the Soul is ready for it. Has gathered enough strength that he can become



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