






身為存有,我們吃一隻羊。但我們當中沒有人能一次吃完一整隻羊,所以我們分成三、四十人份? 所以,我們40個人或50個人對一個靈魂有罪。








你不需要神父,大師,以及先知。在太空你知道發生了什麼。但你必須了解一件事,對我是食物的,我在他眼裡也是食物。(What is food to me, I am food to him.) 










里克: 凱史先生說的殺生,整件事他在講的,如果你吃素,你會殺害很多生命,比方小麥或穀物這類的東西。每個穀物,都是一粒粒分開的東西,你會吃進很多生命,而一隻動物,可能分給20個人分食。這類的觀念。




















凱史: 我們可以回來嗎,對不起,剛斷線。能聽到我的聲音嗎?


Eating in the universe (3)~1

prefer one Soul to share with many than to take so many Souls


Those of you who, think you are vegetarian

and you know my opinion about the vegetarian?

Now, I give you something which I never discuss.

If, as... as a being, we consume one lamb. But none of us can eat the whole lamb in one go, we split it 30, 40 of us? So, we... it's 40 of us guilty for one, or 50 of us are guilty for one Soul.

But, when you consume vegetarian food,

each lentil has a Soul. Can you imagine how much Soul you consume in one plate?

But that's not a problem.

They say the vegetarian are very calm. I tell you why they're calm. Because they kill so many, the shame of the Soul does not allow anything else. The burden on the Soul to support what is taken, so many, does not allow the Soul to elevate. And then when it cannot elevate, they can not evolve.

You see them very calm, they are very serene people, vegetarians. Yes I know you should talk to their Soul, you should see the burden of. This is what we have to understand.

To what extent, we have become to accept fallacies of Life?

And don't rely on me, analyze it yourself.

Then, you don't need no priest, no guru, no prophets.

In Space you understand, what is going on.

But you have to realize one thing,

What is food to me, I am food to him.

Why, you think you consume at the same time in giving to you, which become the Soul of your Physicality, it makes itself to elevate to the higher point too. If it's clever enough.

If you understand the position of, "I serve to be served".

So, now we understand the structure of the Physicality, the structure of physics.

If we now understand the reality and then you talk and walk into the condition of the conversion of the Matter into the ... Plasma.

And then through understanding of that, that we can receive the Plasma of the Fields we don't need to eat another Matter, then you understand how to feed your Soul, in the Space of the Universe.

And from then on, nothing is delicious,

everything is beautiful to give to.

You will run, it says, "Eat me, eat me" I want to give you more, you're so beautiful that I can give you more that you become more beautiful."

Not ... on the Matter-State says,

"Oh, I eat you, you're so beautiful I have to take you in me".

Any questions?

RC:Nicholas is back though [laughing] Okay Nick, Nicholas I'll allow you to talk and ...

Maybe you can bring something up, they

have a question about what was just said and you can basically kinda get us warmed

up for Mr Keshe when he comes back.

Nicolas: Well, that was quite a teaching about being the Soul that's going to take some thought.

I guess my question, no I don't guess. My question comes to this aspect of vegetarian and ...just ... hear more about that, that Mr Keshe ... is saying where he said.

"Well you know my attitude ... you know my thoughts about vegetarian." Well, I don't because I guess I don't listen to everything

but I am very interested. I guess ... I'm a vegetarian. I've always related to it as being a meat eating vegetarian ...

Because if, you know, if I'm at a table and somebody's serving meat... then I'll usually

have a bite of it or so. But ... I find that I don't care to put meat in my body. It's, it's seems to be harder to digest, maybe that's in my head, you know.

How well does one know themselves? ...

(RC) What he's talking about ...killing other beings basically. And that's the, the whole thing he's saying is that you're killing many more beings by being a vegetarian like for eating, I suppose, say wheat, as an example, or grain.

You might, if each grain is a separate being, then you would be eating many beings, as opposed to the meat eater, where one animal, one being would feed maybe 20 people or something like that.

That's sort of the concept.

(CdR) Do you want to know, do you want

to know how Mr Keshe explains it?

(RC) I would Love to, thank you Caroline.

(CdR) He says, "I prefer to kill one animal, one Soul and share it with many Souls,

than to kill...If you have a bowl of rice in

front of you, each grain is a Soul because it has a new offspring of Life in it.

So, it carries its own individual Soul, each grain. So if you eat a bowl of rice you can ... you can imagine the amount of Souls which is in that plate."

So, this is how Mr Keshe is trying to

explain the proportion and not only that.

He repeated quite a few times, he says,

"I prefer to have one Soul to share with many, than to take so many Souls and you think you are not killing. But, that one single grain carries the same Soul as that one, let's say,

bigger animal.

The killing is in no way, no measure, any different."

(CdR) Do you also remember Rick, in the time till Mr Keshe comes back, that we have become numb? We have put the noise of what we chew, so far in the background of our being that we don't listen anymore.

We prevent to listen, but the pain and the suffering, is caused. And that's why this knowledge is here, to start understanding and to explore it and try to make it, in a way, different ways to accept for people the way we look at animals, plants, trees, our whole environment, that we take a responsible position in how we are conducting ourselves

in this paradise.

And that, some things, because it's not because they are a habit, and it's not because they've been there, as a custom and for so long, that doesn't mean that it is okay. And that's the road and the path we are trying to...

make awareness in how we can change it.

And the respect, and a lot of people, as the gentleman just came to explain, a lot of farmers have respect, a lot of people which are running farms have respect for the animals. And I know a lot of people have pets and animals at home.

But, we have to understand the difference between the reality and what we think is reality. And I think this is the message Mr Keshe is trying to make clear for all of us.

We simply did not know.

The... it's a long, long, long time back, it was known. And it... the beauty, in so many ways is, if you look at the Indians, they will not take a single Life, unless they request and they ask permission of the Soul, before they will kill the animal, even the plants, the herbs,

the fruits, they consume, everything has a ritual of respect, and this is something we are not so close in touch with anymore.

It's the way they have been brought up,

through their ancestors, that knowledge is still present and they still apply it. And we can learn a lot.

And this is the path Mr Keshe is trying to explain, that, "Maybe it looks okay, but that doesn't mean, it is okay". And very slowly, in different stages, we're bringing the reality onto the table.

Because, as Mr Keshe is trying to explain and extend, what's the use of trying to cover it up, when the Truth sits in a totally different position?

And if we are honest to ourselves, to look into it, we can start inspiring ourselves and others, to start looking at the path of Truth. And not to fool ourselves that we try to make it more, or different or better than the reality is there.

(MK) If we go back, sorry I got dropped off.

Can you hear me?

To be continued 


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