

阿薩: OK,凱史先生,我有個問題。每樣東西都有靈魂,病毒也有靈魂,對吧?(1:35:45)

凱史: 病毒?不,病毒是個場域。

阿薩: 所以病毒裡沒有靈魂?

凱史: 病毒是一個場域,是能量的轉移;不管它附著到什麼,它有那個(宿主的)靈魂。是生命的水蛭,是實體生命的水蛭。

阿薩: 就像磁引力?

凱史: 像磁引力,是的。如果你運轉磁引力能源裝置會有個靈魂。但某個方式,它的場域,如果我們能把它的場域圈起來,它們能互動,它們會有個靈魂。病毒通常是單一能量。或至少有胺基酸能量的組合會自我附著上去的,或我們說的『功能系統』。因為病毒是場流,宇宙的自由場流。如果它們跟你的很搭,它們就附著上來,以能量包的方式進行場域旅遊。(1:36:52)







阿薩: 凱史先生,它們如何產生的?它們是...某些的殘餘

凱史: 不是產生,只是一種場流的條件是...如果你給病毒一個既定條件,可以顯現出自己成為一個實體,好比我們說的一個細胞,那麼它就會有生命,就會產生出自己的靈魂。但它是場域的包裹要穿越。病毒是為我們而生,讓我們想要超越。


凱史: 是的 阿薩。

阿薩: 所以,那是為什麼我們必須在太空保護自己.,必須知道如何消耗能量,一旦我們注意到它們。

凱史: 某個方式,是的。某個方式,我們為它開發出系統。





From virus’ perspective to explain the process of the flu
Azar: Yes Mr Keshe. Okay, so I have a question. ... Everything has a Soul ...a virus has a Soul too, yes? (1:35:45)
Keshe: Virus? No virus is a Field.
Azar: So there's no Soul in virus?
Keshe: Is a virus, is a Field, is a energy transfer. Whatever it attaches itself to, it has Soul of that. Is a leech to the Life, is a leech to the Life of the entity.
Azar: Is like a MaGrav?
Keshe: It's like a MaGrav, yes.
Azar: Okay so.
keshe: Magrav, if you run a MaGrav, has a Soul. But in, in a way, the Fields of it, if we can contain it that they interact, they do. Soul ... viruses are usually, mono-energetic.
Or, at least they have a combination of the energies of the Amino Acids which they attach themselves to, or what we call, the 'functioning system'. Because viruses are Field Flow, free Field Flows in the Universe, that, if they match yours, they attach themselves to it, they are Fields traveling, in a way of packages. (1:36:52)
There is some misunderstanding in the existence of the viruses on this Planet. We say, "Such a virus is taken over and we have this virus flu, that virus, this and that." We have to understand how viruses replicate themselves. This has never been understood.
When I explain this in one of the teachings, is like, when you have a dry land and then, it rains and then you see fishes out of nowhere, never been a fish there, nothing at all, and they appear. Is a combination of energy transfer, MaGrav System we see, and a condition created, it replicates itself. (1:37:38)
A lot of you, who work in the MaGrav System and a GANS production, you must have seen this in your productions.
So, what it is, once a cell finds a balanced energy which is crossing or passing at given time, or, it can repeat itself in a given condition, it attaches to itself and it replicates itself. We can transfer it, or we can replicate it
In AIDS and that kind of condition, we transfer it.
In the condition of the flu, we replicate it.
It's the replication of it. "Somebody's has a flu, I get a flu." They don't give you their flu. Because you have of, some cells of the same balance of theirs, the energy transfer from one to another, to bring transfer, it becomes, it seeds the basis of the energy of the flu to you.
We can show this in the future developments. That how, energy what we call, 'viruses', transfer from one cell to another, from one person to another. If you have a matching nearly enough cell, as somebody who is with you in a room, with a flu, which carries a virus, in them matching each other, they're balancing each other, they transfer energy across, and then, you have the seed and then it grows. It replicates itself, because then, it matches with the others. (1:39:05)
That's why we can go in a room, twenty of us, ten of us will never catch a flu, and the other ten drop, literally, with the worse conditions. Because we don't have those matching Fields which match that ... that virus. That's why we don't all catch flu, altogether, across the World in one go.
Because, even though we have a red blood cells, we have two arms and legs, nothing in us is the same. We have some uncommon denominators and if that common denominator comes into play, we transfer energy, 'viruses' energy.
Azar: Mr Keshe how they are created? Are they residual of some...
Keshe: it’s not created, it's just a condition of the Field flow. if you allow a virus, give a virus a given condition that it can manifest itself to become an entity, like a, let's say, a cell, then it has a Life. Then it creates a Soul of itself.
But it's a package of Fields which travels through. It exists just for us, which one we want to transfer across.
The viruses are, Let me explain, Azarjan, as I've said in many of my teachings, viruses are the biggest menace to Humanity in Space. We die like flies in our first excursions. Unless we understand depletion, retraction or balancing of the energy, what we call, a 'virus', attached to the Amino Acid of body of the Man. We will not die of suffocation but we'll die surely of viruses. (1:41:05)
Azar: So, so that's why we have to protect ourself in Space of that ... So we have to know how to deplete the energy once we, we notice them.
Keshe: In a way, yes. In a way, we have developed systems for it.
And, secondly, if you reach such a position and you have managed to go in the level of understanding of the transfer of the Physicality into the Soul of the Man, you just transfer the Soul, the Physicality through the boundary of the Soul.
The energy of any virus is below the level of the energy of the Soul. It gets absorbed into it. It becomes part of it. And it cannot change the Soul.
Such a minute... it's a filtering.
One of the best ways you'll see ... in Space, those who reach the level of understanding, is to just, literally, take your Physicality in the Dimension of the internal Soul. And as you go through the barriers, it's just like going through the, what do you call it, 'entering the Earth atmosphere', you see things burning, meteorites.
Transfer of energy from Matter to light or whatever, you go through the same process. You can do, in majority of cases, it can because it has to follow there is an energy balance flow. And the body and the Soul knows what is created. What is extra it comes out of it.
The other ways to do it, is just you continuously scan the body for energy transfers which is the energy balance. In part of knowledge in the future, what Man will learn is very much, as you go on the scale and say, "I'm 100 kilo or 50 kilo or 90 kilo",
we don't say, "How much is your liver?" "
And how much is your arm and how much is your leg?"
The Totality has a fixed energy balance. And, in the future, we measure our fixed energy balance of the total Magnetic-Gravitational Field which has to be balanced to what goes out and what comes in through the boundary of the cell.
And then, we put ourselves through machines and then we know where it is and what it is, needs to be balanced.
The, the future of Space Technology, understanding the Totality of it is a beautiful game to play and to live.
In a way, replication of the energies and Matters and being able to extract one or add the other to.

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