



你們昨天聽到羅德里哥醫生說的,在癌症病例中,『你不用CH3。因為它對癌症是提油救火,灌注能量。』但是,你做出來的方式,CH3來自奈米銅與鍍鋅元素的互動;因為鍍鋅元素具有不同的特質。在中心是鐵,外面主要是鋅跟鎳。所以那個空間讓你產生CH3 。



喬恩說:「為什麼會有不同的顏色,我還有另一種顏色。」 80:25-80:27

我說過很多次,「我玩的那麼公開,就在你面前,你卻沒看到。」就像一場婚外情,你總是看不到太太有多愛你,因為你那麼靠近火,視而不見。 81:38-81:45


















他坐在那兒看著我。不言語...哦! 他用英語解釋得很好。了解遊戲的部分。另一部分是...如果你把它從120度改變,瞭解有第三個120度,你帶這兩個,讓這些移動以達到平衡,釋放出大量的能量。


如果你了解等離子體的工作原理,並在 #反應器裡產生CH3對的條件會得到氘





如果你知道整個過程有個秘密,保留碳鏈,產生一個條件,一堆氫的自由等離子體在這部分作用地像氧(等離子體)。現在你不需要改變物質,現在你在外圈產生氘,多過於在內圈產生 (1:38:15)




Deuterium, the fuel of the Universe (2)~1
In so many ways, as we said,
【the fuel of the Universe is Deuterium】. You can not work without the Deuterium. And, the reason for it is, it has the energy balance, enough to create, to keep a weaker in position of the two. But, in juggling between the two, it releases it's energy, which if you know how to capture that energy, it becomes the fuel of Space.
In so many ways, we have to understand how we fuel it, what’s the reason behind the fueling. And if you take, and understand the work of Deuterium, then you understand the CH3, which you've been relying, and so heavily for energy, is a Carbon, a Hydrogen and a Deuterium.
But, your problem is how to lock up these two, that you can use this for a Space Technology. When we explain, the release of production of CH3, all of you looked and you heard it yesterday,
Dr Rodrigo says, 【"You don't use CH3 in Cancer cases, because it gives energy to the Cancer" 】But, the way you created the CH3 from the interaction of nano-coated Copper and a galvanized element. Which is, due to galvanization, carries different properties, as we explained yesterday. In the center is Iron outside is mainly Zinc and Nickel. So, that space allows you to create the CH3.
There is a small trick.
You should be able to know, what i am talking about. In placing a condition in this chap here you'll be creating Deuterium, beyond the imagination of the Man. When you engage the two, something else. But understand: it's the Plasma. So, what you get is this piece.
As I've said before, "We are in a fast track, to become Man of Space." So, for two or three years, you lot have been playing with CH3.
Tomorrow you will see Deuterium in three different colours, with the Hydrogen. Jon says, "How come they are different colour, I have another color." 80:25 - 80:27 ,
I said to you many times,"I play it so open, that because it’s so in front of you, you don’t see it." It's like a Love affair, you never see how much your wife loves you because, you're so close, you're blind to it. 81:38 - 81:45
I brought the fuel in front of you, and you've all been playing with this guy. Nobody stood still! What is all this? Why does he give us everything? Because? Have a look. Space fuel. So, what you need to understand is that, I have dangled this fuel in front of you. And, as you're all so physically attached, you couldn't see, there’s a Deuterium there.
And in many teaching I said, "The fuel of the Space is Deuterium." And, all of you have been making it.
Very good Deuterium is black in colour, and I have about 20-30 liters of it in Ghana, that’s why we are flying out of Ghana. And I produce it in CH3 boxes. We produce average about 2-3 liters a day. And its very strange,
But, what we do. We produce Deuterium next to CH3. Sometimes, when the boys get it wrong Suddenly it becomes CH3, and then it flips back to Deuterium.
【This is why the depth of the Space is dark】, because of the high saturation of Deuterium. This is the reason, because what happens, in compression of the balance, the existence of the, what we call, 'free Plasma' of the Deuterium, creates transparency of its light in respect to its environment. 85:02’
Now you know, why the Space is so full of energy but it’s dark. But, in interaction with another Deuterium, it releases enough energy, that it stays transparent. So, if you come to Ghana?
Deuterium fuel for Space, at the moment, stands about 10 million dollar a gram. Anybody want some?
We gotta finance the Space Centre. And we produce it. And I've told them what their producing, that the scientists in the Ghana, understand exactly what they are producing.
And its very nice, illusive black And doesn’t matter how much you GANS wash it, still it stays black and illusive, but it’s very luminous.
You know it when you see it. If you condition it in a different way with a Carbon, you get, a slightly creamish colour. A slightly yellow colour. What other colours you have Jon?
Jon: It's like dark blue
Keshe: Dark blue one. I have light blue. Now you know what it is, that’s the purest. You see I don’t teach him. He doesn't want to talk, he’s got the whole three hours tomorrow, we have a double-act tomorrow.
In so many ways, you all have been in the Space business for three years. But we didn’t tell you. Now, it’s for you to find a way how to change your CH3’s into fuel space. You were happy with the fuel for the Man. You were going for CH3,
【CH3 is the original sugar of the backbone of the creation of life on this Planet】.
Without it, life would not have happened. 88:39 - 88:46 But, if you can change it, you can interact with it. If Armen was here he would have told you he’s pushing it but he doesn't see it. And, I never tell him anything, I leave it for him, because he imagine's good. So he gives us a new dimensions, in the school of thoughts of the Plasma Technology.
But, he says, "You don’t tell me everything" a
nd I said, "If I tell you everything you become copycat. Nobody will learn."
But, if you understand this. If you understood how, you created a CH3. And if you understand how this can be created, you're all Man of the Space.
The reason for it is very easy. You fuel your Spaceship with this, and you fuel Man with this. But, if you get it right in the reactor, you can do the two at the same time.
There is a reason why you don’t see it, it's very simple. Because, in the present Matter-State you look at the Hydrogen, Carbon, Hydrogen, Hydrogen and a Hydrogen, and a Carbon and a Hydrogen and a Carbon and a Hydrogen.
In the World of the Plasma, you look at this, the Hydrogen is here, Deuterium is here, and the Carbon is here. There all on the back of the same Plasma.
So, what you come to understand: In a Matter-State, they explain to you the fallacy of this, in a Plasma-State, you work with this.
One of the reasons why the World of Science has gone so wrong, as I explained many times, is the way they represent a Carbon an H, an H an H or whatever, they link it.
If you look at it in reality, it's like this; a Carbon, an H, an H, and an H. Not all of them are positioned, the way they want to tell you. If you understand this, then you understand there's a lot of energy which is kept and controlled.
There was a very interesting discussion on the dinner table, by the man in a beard ... He was explaining, sitting across Armen, with the glasses... He says: "The Hydrogen is at 120 degrees, and if you give it the right energy, it goes in line". Correct? He's sitting there. He's looking at me. He's not talking...
Oh! He was explaining it very good in English. He understood part of the game. The other part is that... if you can change it from 120 degrees and understand there is a third one 120 degrees, when you bring these two for these to move in to be balanced, releases a lot of energy.
You see I don't sit in the cafe and just have a dinner, I listen to everybody because you listen through your ears, I pick up your Souls.
So, I can tell you more. In so many ways, if you understood the work of the Plasma, if you create the right condition for CH3 in your reactors you will have the Deuterium.
If you understand, in your Space reactors, I keep on telling you, you need double core, Mr Armen. He has double core, we'll see tomorrow. You call it Acidic and Alkaline. I call it very simple. [MK writes CH3 inside the Centre circle and C inside the outer circle]
If you create enough of that, you're talking about Plasmatic fields, you're talking about Plasma, you're talking about GANS. You're not talking about the molecular structure. Do you see the light? Do you understand it?
So, those of you who've been looking to create Deuterium or the property of the Deuterium, I gave you everything before.
If you put enough of it (Mr. Keshe draws CH3 inner circle, CO in outer circle) in, and ratio it the right way, and Doctor Rodrigo keeps on telling you, 2 : 1, 3 : 1. You link the Carbon, in a Plasmatic condition you link the Hydrogen. if you don't understand,
【C goes with C, the O in connection with Hydrogen】, you know what it does, it takes two of it, but it leaves a free H. 96:57
But, if you have enough free H's here... you got your Deuterium.
Then, if you understand it, go back to the work which was done with the time of teaching:
【How you change Alkaline with Acidic?】
If you know there is a secret in the whole process, you keep the Carbon link, you create a condition, where, big bunch of these, behave like this, inside this part. Now you don't need to change Matter.
  • Now you create Deuterium here, more than here.
  • Don't look at it in a Matter-State.
  • Look at it in a Plasmatic-State.
If you don't have a Carbon connection strength, you have a problem.



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